Gopi Kallayil is the Chief Business Strategist, AI at Google. His purpose professionally is to integrate technology and business for societal good, and personally, his purpose is to pursue self-actualization or nirvana.
With a career spanning over two decades at Google, he has played a pivotal role in shaping global strategies and partnerships across various industries. Outside of his professional role, Gopi is deeply involved in the world of mindfulness, yoga, and personal growth. He is a passionate advocate for bringing yoga and mindfulness practices into the workplace to enhance creativity and productivity.
In this interview he delves into methodologies for discovering one's life purpose, advocating practices like the ikigai framework, introspective writing exercises, recalling moments of deep engagement, and meditative contemplation as pathways to clarity.
Gopi is a passionate advocate for mindfulness and has authored the acclaimed book "The Internet to the Inner-Net," and “Happy Human: Being Real in an Artificially Intelligent World.” Happiness is a multimillion-dollar industry, catering to our deep desire to live a joyful life and to a belief that, as human beings, we deserve to be happy. Gopi Kallayil believes in reversing that equation. He holds that what we truly deserve is to be human, and that the key to happiness lies in being 100 percent who we are, reveling in our authentic selves, even if--maybe especially if--that means falling on our faces.
Website: https://kallayil.com/
Visit Gopi Kallayil's social media pages:
Website: https://www.facebook.com/gopi.kallayil?fref=ts
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gopikallayil/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gopikallayil/
Learn more about Zenka and LightNet:
Websites: https://www.zenka.org/ | https://lightnet.org/
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/zenka
Community: holomovement.net/purpose